Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS

Потужний універсальний варіооб’єктив зі стабілізатором зображення.


  • 11x zoom lens - 18-200mm

  • 4 stop Image Stabilizer

  • Automatic panning and tripod detection

  • Close focusing distance of 0.45m

  • Aspherical and UD lens elements

  • Super-Spectra lens coatings combat ghosting and flare

  • Zoom lock maintains minimum size

  • Circular aperture for pleasing background blur


  • Compact, fast and lightweight

    The EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS is a compact, EF-S lens with high magnification of approximately 11x. It features an 18-200mm zoom ratio (the 35mm film equivalent of a 29-320mm lens) and has a maximum aperture of f/3.5-5.6. Designed to appeal to entry-level and advanced amateur users looking for a lens with an optical Image Stabilizer and large focal length range, it weighs just 595g and measures 78.6 x 102mm. The lens offers 0.45m minimum focusing distance at all zoom positions. The EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS is designed exclusively for use with EOS cameras featuring an EF-S lens mount.

  • Aspheric and UD elements

    High image quality has been assured with the addition of two high-precision aspheric lenses to correct aberration including curvature of field and distortion. Chromatic aberration common in wide-angle shooting is also combated by the inclusion of two UD lenses, ensuring optimum image quality and corner-to-corner detail.

  • Super-Spectra coating

    Canon's patented lens element coating minimises the ghosting and flare caused by reflections off the image sensor and internal lens surfaces. Light transmission is improved and reflections are reduced to deliver clear, crisp images.

  • 4-stop Image Stabilizer

    A 4-stop optical Image Stabilizer - specially designed for the lens' specific focal length range - works to counteract image blur, which can occur during handheld shooting, or at slow shutter speeds. Automatic panning detection ensures effective performance when tracking moving subjects and, as the IS system is based in the lens, results are visible through the viewfinder during framing.

  • Durable build quality and Lead-free optics

    Designed to be a hard-working lens the EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS benefits from a robust design, which can match the demands of today's photographers. Environmentally friendly lead-free glass is used

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